Nadia Yaron is an artist born in Sao Paulo, Brazil and raised in New York. She is currently based in upstate New York where she sculpts with wood, stone, and metal to reflect fragility, impermanence, and oneness with nature, often informed by her idyllic rural surroundings. Yaron demonstrates impermanence by honoring small transient events such as a fallen leaf, a gust of wind, a flower blooming, or a pink cloud.  These special moments are made in solid materials to bring a sense of permanence to our ever-changing world.

An ecotopian, ecofeminist, her work is devotional. She pays respects to all the beauty nature blesses us with daily and believes that we must reconnect with nature in order to preserve and protect it. Nature is the future.

Nadia uses chainsaws, grinders and hand carving tools to achieve her desired textures. Creating vertical structures that represent the lay of the land as she sees it. Grass, cornfields, trees, mountains, and moon are abstract documentations.  She also assembles pieces of wood and stone to create an enlarged magnified slightly anthropomorphic portrait of a flower depicting the sacredness and personality of every unique flower she comes across. Drawing the connection that every flower is as unique and invaluable as every human on this planet. Nadia honors the beauty of nature by embracing the perfection and inherent truth of its natural materials extending her belief in working with nature and not dominating nature. Her wood is intentionally and locally sourced and as a way of giving back, every year she plants native hardwood trees and bows in gratitude and appreciation to the earth each day.

Prior to sculpting Nadia was co-creator of Nightwood - a reincarnated furniture, textiles and interiors studio started in 2007 and still operating through Ry Scruggs.